So I am a little behind in my blogging and I just see where this anorexic fascist mental patient has endorsed Joe Lieberman on Neil Cavuto's show on FOX. Thats nice, now I can officially write off old Joe as a traitor to the party, if a harpy like Coulter welcomes him he's dead to me. I can support a conservative Dem, but this guy has blindly supported Bush's war in Iraq and still thinks it was a good idea? Joe's a big supporter of Israel,so taking out Arabs seems like a good idea to him, but how on Earth can you justify the loss of treasure and life for no real strategic gain in the Mid-East? I'm not some anti-war person, quite the contrary, I was all for sending in the 82nd Airborne and the British SAS into Afghanistan to take out the Taliban and OBL, but Iraq? Are you kidding me, Hussein was a joke. My grandkids will be paying the debt from this war to the Chinese Central Bank forever. The neocons manipulated the fear after 9-11 and Bush's pathological hatred of Hussein,( He tried to kill my Poppy!!!) to orchestrate an aggressive war that the American people and the Democratic party swallowed. I was raised in a republic that did not wage aggressive preemtive war. Is this the same country of my childhood?
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