Senatorial Musings
So the Senate race here in old Virginny pits "The California Cowboy" George Allen against former Reagan era Sec. of the Navy Jim Webb. Allen votes with W 95%of the time, he is one of the Senators behind the reintroduction of the asinine flag-burning amendment, and he has never served a day in the US armed forces, a true chickenhawk if their has ever been one. Webb on the other hand is a former Marine officer who won a Navy cross and two purple hearts in Vietnam, and he opposes W's Mesopotamian adventure. His son serves in Iraq unlike any of the GOP leaders on the Hill. Webb is a fiscal conservative and highly intelligent to boot. Having personally met Allen I can attest to him being a snuff dipping, cowboy boot wearing dolt. The sad thing is Allen will probally win reelection, he has more corporate sponsership and name recognition, and Webb has a massive huge Irish head, but he's got my vote!
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