Sunday, July 30, 2006

Senatorial Musings

So the Senate race here in old Virginny pits "The California Cowboy" George Allen against former Reagan era Sec. of the Navy Jim Webb. Allen votes with W 95%of the time, he is one of the Senators behind the reintroduction of the asinine flag-burning amendment, and he has never served a day in the US armed forces, a true chickenhawk if their has ever been one. Webb on the other hand is a former Marine officer who won a Navy cross and two purple hearts in Vietnam, and he opposes W's Mesopotamian adventure. His son serves in Iraq unlike any of the GOP leaders on the Hill. Webb is a fiscal conservative and highly intelligent to boot. Having personally met Allen I can attest to him being a snuff dipping, cowboy boot wearing dolt. The sad thing is Allen will probally win reelection, he has more corporate sponsership and name recognition, and Webb has a massive huge Irish head, but he's got my vote!


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