At Last
So I'm digesting W's news conference today and much to my surprise and astonishment a reporter asks King George what Iraq had to do with 9-11 and he replies "Nothing" I had to rewind that shit on my tivo to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Just a few weeks ago on Meet the Press Uncle Dick says that Iraq had dealings with Alquaeda! WTF? He finally admits what every thinking person has known since the start of this thing. If Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 why have over 2000 US servicemen and women lost their lives and why have we been spending money like Rush Limbaugh on Viagra in a Dominican cathouse? Now were stuck we have to keep troops there to prevent implosion. How can you not call this the biggest foreign policy disaster of the past 100 years?
Damn dude, you're posting is getting really strong. Keep up the good work.
Also in reference to your last post post I have gone out and purchased 2 hamsters in Allen's honor. I named them "Kyke" and "Darkie." What a racist F*CK that guy is.
Thanks for the encouragement chief, I also have bought two new pets, a shitztu named "gook" and a burro named "wetback".
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