Thursday, August 03, 2006

Pomme Frites

So I read today in the local Richmond right wing gazzette, that the two douchebag GOP Congressman that had the Capital cafeteria rename french fries "freedom fries" and french toast "freedom toast" have quietly let the menus return to normal, nice. The Right loves to bash the French. I see today that Condi is courting the French in the whole Lebanon thing, they will most likely pony up some troops to put on the border, god knows we don't have any to spare. I don't understand the whole GOP French bashing, a country that helped us win our Independence, a country whose philosophers and writers influenced the founding fathers, just because they refused to support a misguided preemptive war. I know why, the Republicans despise intellectualism, the French hold intellectuals in high regard and all of the French papers and magazines publish thoughtful intellectual pieces that would never see the light of day in the US. The GOP loves cheap jingoistic flag waving and false patriotism. Oh well at least we have NASCAR and celebrity tabloids. I think I'll go get myself a bowl of liberty cabbage.


Blogger Elvez73 said...

Thats fucked up, France does owe us for 44, but I don't think most French hate us, the last time I was in Paris during the war everyone frenchman I spoke to did not hate Americans just W. You can't throw a dead snail in Paris without hitting a street named after a great American, FDR, Hemingway, Patton, Pershing, etc. But they do think fucking Jerry Louis is funny maybe thats a good enough reason to hate em.

10:12 PM  

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