El Rushbo

So this fat tub of shit goes on his show and lambasts Michael J. Fox for doing commercials in favor of stem cell research to cure Parkinson's, Fattie claims that he was "acting" and had not taken his medication before the shoot. Well we all know that Rushie knows his medication. Jim over at http://majorconflict.blogspot.com/ has a great post about this and the Fox ad so you can see for yourself what a mean spirited jerkoff Limbaugh is. Saying you disagree with Fox is one thing, making fun of his condition is quite another. What will you do for an encore Rush? How about making fun of Stevie Wonder being blind or Sheryl Crow's breast cancer? How can these right wing zombies listen to this clowns drivel? The so called voice of conservatives who is a lying drug addict and who goes on sex junkets to the Dominican Republic and then gets busted with enough Viagra to kill a goat. He certainly seems like an upstanding righteous conservative to me.
Hey, all these people are part of the Vast Left-Wing Victim Conspiracy! They should be sent to Club Gitmo and mocked until they accept the wisdom of unchecked
Social Darwinism and unregulated
free market capitalism. Hoo-rah!
Upstanding! Heh! That's a good one!
Fat tub of shit indeed. He is a national tragedy, and a travesty as well. To me, he represents everything bad about political discourse in our country today. He helped foster the divisiveness, he continues to promote it, and worst of all he doesn't know what he is talking about most of the time, and he has little if any empathy. Scheise!!! I'll end this comment now, as my blood is beginning to boil. Good post, e23!
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