Saturday, September 30, 2006

Family Values

So Congressman Mark Foley, R FL, is resigning because inappropiate emails he sent to a 16 yr. old male page have come to light. Nice, I thought the GOP was the party of "family values" and" traditional lifestyles." This hypocritical piece of garbage even cosponsered a bill that was designed to protect children from online pedophiles, meanwhile Marky is trolling for underage boys! What a sick old bastard. The worst part about this is the GOP House leadership knew about these explicit emails last year and took no action against this pedophile who is also chair of the House committee for missing and exploited children! Good thing that page turned his ass in before he was exploited by this fine moral Congressman.


Blogger Jim Marquis said...

Family values, indeed.

8:36 PM  
Blogger GTX said...

It's that true? I mean, couldn't he easily been framed with those e-mails?
If that's true it's serious and disgusting, in the minimum.
Today computer secrets are acquirable in almost any place.

8:42 AM  
Blogger Snave said...

I think his party was covering his ass in order to save itself a seat in Congress. To me, that is the saddest part of the whole deal...

It's sad for Foley himself that he is afflicted with whatever it is that made him solicit sex from underage boys, and sad that the youngsters were solicited by a sick man... but I think it is saddest that Foley's political party, supposedly the party of moral values, was willing to try and hide his behaviors. They surely didn't want all the religious people they have been duping for the past 25-30 years to come to the startling realization they are being used by scoundrels, simply so those scoundrels can keep power.

The GOP has betrayed the trust of millions of its faithful voters by covering up Foley's sexual stuff. Bush betrayed them all when he had a gay hooker in the White House (the Gannon fellow) and it seemed like none of them got too upset about it... hopefully the same won't happen here. I think the religious fundamentalist voters need to wake up and realize the Republican party's leadership is corrupt.

Are these voters willing to support corrupt leaders simply because those corrupt leaders claim they are fundamentalist Christians? Sooner or later, I would think these voters should start to realize their leadership cannot be trusted, and if these corrupt and immoral pols are saying they are Christians just to get votes and keep power, it should be apparent to voters.

The religious right needs to take off its blinders, and start its own political party. That would fracture the GOP nicely by taking away about a third of its faithful voters. The GOP is doing just that to itself now, whether they realize it or not; they are alienating those voters who are responsible for them being in power. Let's see some more revelations like the Foley thing before November. There is surely more of it out there if people just dig enough...

6:01 PM  
Blogger Elvez73 said...

Snave, I wish every GOP values crowd voter could read that reply, I had totally forgotten about Jeff "the Cannon" Gannon.

9:01 PM  
Blogger Snave said...

Our so-called "liberal" media really did a great job keeping that story going, didn't they. Just like the Downing Street Memo... whatever happened to that story? I guess that in a corporate media, when money is the bottom line, they emphasize the stories that will make them money. Maybe people just weren't interested in those two stories... because they happened too soon after "9-11"? Arrrgh... the whole thing pisses me off. Now that the GOP is imploding in a somewhat spectacular fashion, the media smells blood, and when they smell blood they are more likely to keep the story going. The GOP is trying to get the story to quiet down, but I'm hoping the public will want to keep hearing about it... THAT is probably what will keep it in the news.

I think our mainstream media has gone from providing us with information and keeping us informed to being a Bush administration lapdog and entertainment-oriented thing. Sigh...

12:41 AM  

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