Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Poor Felix

What a rough couple of weeks for poor ole Sen. Felix Allen. First he finds out his momma is jewish and now his football teammates at UVA are saying he used the N word back in the day like it was nothing. One fellow even says that after a deer hunting trip, Felix stuffed a deer head in a black persons mailbox. Dr. Larry Sabato who graduated with Felix from Mr. Jefferson's University told Chris Matthews that Allen's nickname at the time was "red" as in redneck, and that Sabato was certain that Allen frequently used the racial epithet in question. Allens affinity for the Confederate flag and nooses have also been brought to light in recent years. How on earth can you vote for a guy who is essentially David Duke, but with a jewish grandaddy? This guy patterned himself after the old school Virginia racists that I grew up with in rural Southeastern Va, the people who now make up his core constituency. Allen represents the Virginia of Massive Resistance to school integration, and the Virginia that should be buried along with the Confederacy. Don't get me wrong I am a proud Virginian, and I claim relatives who marched with Lee, but this is the 21st century for christsakes. Virginians should be proud of the progress we have made in the past 150 years, we are a much more tolerant Commonwealth today, we elected the first black Governor since Reconstruction, but we have also elected backwards assed wannabe rednecks like George Allen to the Senate. Allen represents everything that was and is wrong about my beloved Commonwealth. Hopefully the past few weeks have opened the eyes of many Virginians who have mistakenly voted for this horses ass in the past and they will see the error of their ways.


Blogger Jim Marquis said...

It's been a real pleasure to watch this idiot go down in flames. I'm starting to wonder if the Dems might have a real shot at taking back the Senate.

9:49 PM  
Blogger Snave said...

Peeeeew. Allen reeks like an outhouse...

4:27 PM  

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