Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mein Got!

Heres a picture of our self hating Senator, Felix Allen with some pals from the CCC, which is basically the KKK who can read and wear suits instead of robes. These crackers are the voters Felix has courted his entire career in politics. I reckon now that he "just discovered" he is part jewish, his ole buddies will kick him out of the klub. What an asshole, you hate your heritage so much that you create an alter ego as a snuff dippin, Confederate flag flying, cowboy boot wearing, right wing Governor and Senator. I hope Jim Webb wipes the floor with this loser in November.


Blogger Jim Marquis said...

CCC? Would that be the Concerned Crackers of the Confederacy?

8:51 PM  
Blogger Elvez73 said...

Perhaps Crazed Cracker Conservatives?

9:20 PM  
Blogger Snave said...

Or maybe Creepy Christian Conservatives... heh...

George Allen... sheesh. What a scary f*cker... I put him in the same league with John Cornyn and Sam Brownback. Religious idiot theocrats all.

12:56 AM  

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