Saturday, September 16, 2006

Oh Pontiff

So Herr Benedict quoted some medieval texts that pointed out that Islam is a warlike sect, and not necessarily the "The Relgion of Peace." OK Islam is a terribly repressive and violent religion in its extreme forms, but so is Christianity, anyone remember the Inquisition or the Crusades? I don't think the Popes comments were offensive but millions of Muslims worldwide seem to. All this does for me is reinforce the lunacy and devisiveness of organized religion. To me a persons faith and spirituality is an individual and personal matter, between you and your God, its not something that makes me hate others or blow up skyscrapers, or abortion clinics, or make women wear bedsheets, or hinder scientific research that will save lives. I think all major world religions have a basis in peace and tolerance, but usually these tenets are overshadowed by all the other crap dogma. Viva secularism!


Blogger Snave said...

I tend to think a secular world would be much safer than one riddled with competing religions. The Catholic church is no less guilty of violence and repression in my mind than any other of the world's religions. If the Pope wants to ramp up the anti-Islamic sentiments in the world and to make adherents of Islam angry, I am sure his remarks did a good job of both.

Let's face it... the U.S. efforts in the Middle East DO amount to a crusade. If we can't learn anything from history, we are DEFINITELY doomed to repeat it, over and over... or so it seems.

I don't think Gore would be a crusader for anything but causes which would be for the betterment of humanity. I think Hillary Clinton's crusade would be for the betterment of Hillary. People know where Gore stands on most issues. Who really knows where Hillary stands on issues? Does she even know?

If nobody else emerges for the Democrats, I don't think Hillary Clinton can win in 2008. She is just too much of a lightning rod, and too easy a target for Rove and friends. Gore might be an easy target, but he seems to be more liked and respected than Hillary.

1:57 PM  
Blogger Elvez73 said...

I couldn't agree more, Hillary is all about Hillary, Gore is would set about trying to fix the country, I would love to see a female President, but Hillarys not going to be her.

5:00 PM  
Blogger Snave said...

As Al Franken points out in his wonderful book "The Truth", which I have been listening to as a "book on CD", Al Gore has a weakness for trying to help humanity. And of course, the GOP always attacks its opponents' weaknesses.

1:06 AM  

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