Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Genealogy, And Family History

I've been researching a few branches of my family tree lately, a task I have done in the past, but which is much simpler now with the many tools available online. I always knew that the English and Scottish branches of my family came to America in the early 17th century, but I had never really dug into their lives before that. Interesting stuff to find out why your ancestors decided to seek a better life. Mine were small farmers and landholders who saw an opportunity for a better life and some upward mobility in the colonies, not so different from the later immigrants to Ellis Island or todays immigrants from Latin America. The promise of a better future for oneself and ones family is a powerful motivator. That is the main reason why I can't support those who wish to close the borders. I know amnesty to people who have broken the law isn't right, but can you blame people for doing what millions of our forebearers have done as well? I'm all for new immigrants doing what past immigrants have done, learn English, obey the law, pay taxes, and be good citizens, but I also think it should be easier for folks to become citizens. Immigration is a tough issue, it always has been, but for this country to remain a beacon to poor immigrants, we have to welcome those who sincerely desire citizenship.



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