Sunday, July 29, 2007

It's Heating Up

Interesting week for the two Democratic frontrunners, Hillary poopooed Obama for wanting to, gasp, have diplomatic talks with nations like Cuba and N. Korea. The more I watch the debates and listen to Hillary the more she bothers me. She has this hubris that reminds me in a lot of ways of W. Of course I agree with 90% of her positions, but I will forever hold her accountable for voting for the Iraq war and never admitting she was wrong. Today's Gallup data shows that she is overwhelmingly being supported by women and African-American voters, Obama is polling better with men and independents. I think I am now firmly in the Obama camp. Richardson can't win, Edwards is getting a bit whiny for my tastes and I still can't get my head around a populist getting a 400$ haircut, Gore apparently isn't running, so that leaves me with Obama. At first I thought he was a bit underqualified, he didn't do too well in the first debates, and he didn't have all of his policy worked out. Now he looks great, he has his facts and figures straight, he oozes charisma and charm, and he isn't afraid to take on the Clinton juggernaut. Obama speaks and reminds me of Bubba, in fact he is the heir apparent to Bubba in my eyes. Hillary, try as she may just has none of her husbands skills, she just isn't likable. Obama makes a more attractive cantidate to me in the general election as well, he isn't a polarizing figure like Hillary, and he would have appeal to the independents. His anti-war stance is in line with my thinking, and I think he has an appeal that would resonate with middle-class voters. My wife and I differ on this, she is a firm Hillary supporter, she is in the perfect Hillary demographic, 30 something, married, college-educated women. That may be the reason why Hillary will win the nomination. I just hope the people who vote for Hillary aren't blinded to her many flaws, simply because of her gender. In the meantime, I'm going to donate to Obama's campaign today.

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Blogger Jim Marquis said...

I wonder if there's any chance they'd end up as running mates?
I realize it wouldn't help all that much geographically but it would definitely send a message that the Democrats are the party of change...

1:48 PM  
Blogger Elvez73 said...

Damn, my first blog comment spam, lovely. Jim I was thinking of that possible scenario myself, rumor here in VA though is that Hillary cut a deal with our former Gov. Mark Warner, back when he dropped out of the race. I don't know if there is any credit to it or not. I would expect Hillary to pick a white male, especially from a geographically important region, i.e. the south or midwest.

4:14 PM  
Blogger LET'S TALK said...

Elvez73, I'm with you on this call. I think Hillary will pick a white male, from the South or possibly from the midwest.

10:08 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Hillary is my last choice among the contenders. I like Obama and have given him money, but I also like Edwards...and have given him money. The time is coming when I will have to make a clear choice. For now, I'm with you. Barack is very appealing.

10:39 PM  
Blogger Snave said...

So far, since my guy Richardson isn't going anywhere in the race, I'd have to say I am becoming an Obama supporter, in large part because he represents an alternative to Hillary Clinton.

The Democrats have to make good choices. Seeing how Clinton and Obama are having spats lately, it can't do any good for the cause of Democratic party unity. It sets the Democratic party up for the entrance of some independent moderate like Bloomberg into the race to siphon away votes from the Democratic nominee. I was thinking the Democrats were presenting a more united front, and now the Clinton-Obama spats show the party is divided, not just at the top, but throughout voter ranks as well.

I just have this nagging Chertoff "gut" feeling that Clinton is going to get the nomination and that it will be the kiss of death for our hopes of getting the White House out of Republican hands in 2008. Maybe even the kiss of death for eight or twelve more years beyond that... Fred Thompson in 08, and then eight years of Jeb, anyone?

The old saying "It can't happen here" doesn't apply in this case. It can happen, and unless some things change during the next year or two, I fear it WILL happen.

1:42 PM  

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