Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day 07

Memorial Day is one of those holidays that its easy to lose sight of the meaning of. As everyone is eating and drinking and travelling to and fro, we often don't remember the men and women who have sacrificed their lifes and limbs for this country. This is a holiday that was born out of the horrible fratricide of the Civil War, and now hundreds of years later, we are still seeing young people dying in large numbers. Needless deaths for a failed foreign policy idea aside, it is still vital for us to honor the people who have fallen, and it is still vital that we try to give them a government and a nation that is very much worth fighting for.

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Blogger Jim Marquis said...

Amen, Elvez. Very well said.

3:51 PM  
Blogger Snave said...

Nice post! I am all in favor of restoring some of the integrity to Memorial Day. America has grown apathetic when it comes to most anything besides who will win American Idol, which of our favorite sports teams will win, what kind of hairstyles we should wear, etc. Thinking about our military heroes? Doesn't seem to happen nearly as much as it used to.

6:28 PM  
Blogger 1138 said...

It's awful what we have done to this day.
Oh btw it's not hundreds of years yet, on a historical scale it's just a bit before day before yesterday, if your my age there's a real chance you knew someone in your youth that knew a civil war veteran, I did.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Elvez73 said...

Absolutely 1138, I'm 33, in 1989 my great great grandmother passed away at the age of 102, she was lucid and mobile up until the last few months. Her father had been in the Confederate army, absolutely amazing now that I think of it, I really wish I had recorded some of our conversations about life in the post-war South.

3:34 PM  

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