Wednesday, June 20, 2007


So Mayor Bloomberg quits the GOP today, and he is mulling over a run as an Independent for President. I like Bloomberg on paper, a poor son of immigrants who became a billionaire, he's pro-choice, pro civil-unions, is for pulling out of Iraq, and generally has done a good job as Mayor of NYC. He's got more money than most 3rd World nations, so he can self-finance and also not be beholden to special interests. That being said I don't want to see him run because he pulls voters away from the Democrats, sort of a Ross Perot in reverse. Who would vote for Bloomberg? Dissatisfied republicans, dems that don't like the dem cantidate, alot of New Yorkers, conservative dems, etc, but in general I think he hurts us more than he hurts the GOP. Christian Conservatives won't vote for him, he couldn't win a single state in the South, so he pulls votes from the Northeast and upper Midwest which we need, This might not be good. Time will tell, but if I go into the booth in 08 and my ballot has Hillary, Rudy, or Bloomberg as my choices I think Mayor Mike could possibly get my vote. There I said it, I don't want to be like the Naderites, but I would have to hold my nose to vote for Hillary. Whats a pissed off Democrat to do?

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Blogger LET'S TALK said...

There's no way, I'll take Hillary any day. Rudy is full of it and Bloomberg, well this guy was a Democrat, but saw the candidates were many, then he switched to the Republican party.

Now this guy takes a look at the candidates for the Republicans and decide to run as a Independent.

He is too many things for my vote.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Elvez73 said...

I here ya, but Hillary is a worse panderer than anybody. I dislike her for her never admitting she was wrong on the war, I have never voted GOP or Independent in a presidential election, and I probally won't in this one, but I just really don't want Hillary to be our cantidate, I want Gore, or Edwards, or Obama, or Bill Richardson, but as the old saying goes, money talks.

6:04 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

This would be an extremely tough call for me, but I'd probably hold my nose and vote for Hillary.

Man, I hope it doesn't come to that.

9:53 PM  
Blogger Snave said...

Even if Hillary is the candidate, I will do as Lizzy will probably do, that is I will hold my nose and give her my vote.

I'm afraid the ballot will be Hillary, Fred Thompson, and possibly Bloomberg (who will pull away Dems who don't like Hillary). If Bloomberg runs, I think Thompson will win the presidency in 2008. The kookballs in the GOP are probably praying that Bloomberg will run. He might well be a breath of fresh air, but I hope he stays out of it this time. Getting neocons out of the White House is too important a matter, and Democrats shouldn't be tempted to throw away their votes so that another crappy neocon like Thompson can continue Bush's bad policies.

Of course if the Dems run Hillary, they could well lose anyway. I am still holding out hope that those in charge of the Democratic party will realize how bad it could get if she was the candidate, and that they will instead nominate Gore or Edwards, and maybe one of them will pick Obama or Richardson as the VP candidate. Please oh please oh please...

5:16 AM  
Blogger LET'S TALK said...

I really do not see anyone that could put up a fight as much as Hillary could do.

Edwards seems to be making it up as he goes along and want do as well in the South as some think.

Richardson is just a wannabe be with a lot of questions from his past and just a little over weight for some.

Obama cannot take the South and he cannot hold the Democrats together regardless of how well he speaks.

I would love to see Biden in position to win, but that is just wishful thinking on my part.

Kucinich has no chance, he is just do not have the looks or speech to attract voters.

Dodd is just out of it, he is another one who's just a little bit heavy and old.

Gore, if he gets rid of some of the weight can be the next President if he wants the job, everything is in place for him to walk in and take over.

7:45 PM  

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