Madame Speaker
Well friends, today was a historic day for the American Republic. Our first female Speaker of the House was sworn in today. Pelosi did a nice gesture when she brought the House to order, she had a whole passel of younguns with her on the podium. As we take control of both Houses of Congress today my wish is that we actually act in the best interests of the nation. If Pelosi's list of what she wants done in the first 100 hours is any indication that is exactly what will happen. Pelosi keeps party discipline with an iron fist, and I think she will keep most of the dems on the reservation, which is easier said than done. For us to show a unified front against the GOP thats exactly the type of leader we need. It reminds me of the old Will Rogers quote "I don't belong to any organized political party, I'm a Democrat." I think Nancy Pelosi may be the party leader that makes that quote an anachronism.
Man, I sure hope she is that kind of leader. That image of the Democratic party has persisted for far too long, sometimes rightly so, but just as often I think "leaderless", "rudderless",
"aimless", etc. are undeserved tags. I would love it if she can, as you so well put it, keep most of the Dems on the reservation.
So far, so good. I like her.
Pelosi has a tough fight on her hands alright, what with Cindy Sheehan and the mad left demanding to be rewarded for their support. Speaking of sheehan, have you guys noted she is all for whining outside Gitmo, but not terribly concerned for the imprisonment of cuban dissidents around the corner?
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