Saturday, September 30, 2006

Family Values

So Congressman Mark Foley, R FL, is resigning because inappropiate emails he sent to a 16 yr. old male page have come to light. Nice, I thought the GOP was the party of "family values" and" traditional lifestyles." This hypocritical piece of garbage even cosponsered a bill that was designed to protect children from online pedophiles, meanwhile Marky is trolling for underage boys! What a sick old bastard. The worst part about this is the GOP House leadership knew about these explicit emails last year and took no action against this pedophile who is also chair of the House committee for missing and exploited children! Good thing that page turned his ass in before he was exploited by this fine moral Congressman.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Grand Dragon Speaks

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Poor Felix

What a rough couple of weeks for poor ole Sen. Felix Allen. First he finds out his momma is jewish and now his football teammates at UVA are saying he used the N word back in the day like it was nothing. One fellow even says that after a deer hunting trip, Felix stuffed a deer head in a black persons mailbox. Dr. Larry Sabato who graduated with Felix from Mr. Jefferson's University told Chris Matthews that Allen's nickname at the time was "red" as in redneck, and that Sabato was certain that Allen frequently used the racial epithet in question. Allens affinity for the Confederate flag and nooses have also been brought to light in recent years. How on earth can you vote for a guy who is essentially David Duke, but with a jewish grandaddy? This guy patterned himself after the old school Virginia racists that I grew up with in rural Southeastern Va, the people who now make up his core constituency. Allen represents the Virginia of Massive Resistance to school integration, and the Virginia that should be buried along with the Confederacy. Don't get me wrong I am a proud Virginian, and I claim relatives who marched with Lee, but this is the 21st century for christsakes. Virginians should be proud of the progress we have made in the past 150 years, we are a much more tolerant Commonwealth today, we elected the first black Governor since Reconstruction, but we have also elected backwards assed wannabe rednecks like George Allen to the Senate. Allen represents everything that was and is wrong about my beloved Commonwealth. Hopefully the past few weeks have opened the eyes of many Virginians who have mistakenly voted for this horses ass in the past and they will see the error of their ways.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Why I Love Bubba II

Thank God a Democrat finally stood up to Murdoch's evil empire.

Why I Love Bubba

So Chris Wallace tries to skewer Clinton during an interview and Bubba gets in his face and talks about right-wing agendas and such. I got misty-eyed watching it. I love that man. The FOXies tried to play up that Clinton aided and comforted the enemy by pulling out of Somalia, etc. Clinton hit it out of the ballpark and made Wallace look like an ass. He brought up Richard Clark and the fact that he had authorized killing Bin Laden which was more than W and Condi did when they took office, they ignored the Alquaeda threat until 9-11. I heard some right-wing dolt talking about Clintons "lack of character and moral fiber." Are you fucking kidding me? W was a degenerate drunk and coke addict his entire adult life, until he made the calculated decision to run for office and be "born again." Lack of character is sending 200,000 servicemen and women into a country that never attacked this country or were ever a threat to us. Damn the Constitution I want that man in the White House again!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Oh Condi

So I forced myself to watch Katie Couric interviewing Dr. Rice last night and I wanted to puke. Among the images of Condi's apartment, her lovely office, and her wonderful musician friends that she convenes to play Brahms with, I get the message, Condi is hyper intelligent an overacheiver and super charming. Condi is also a Bush Cheney yes person who still stands by the Iraq war even though she herself says Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11. She even equated her childhood in Alabama dealing with segragation with the current war. Excuse me? An illegal preemptive war to "spread democracy" is equated with the civil rights struggle? This bitch is drinking the kool-aid straight no chaser. I seriously doubt her intelligence, I think she is some kind of GOP Manchurian Cantidate in the body of a black woman from the South. The whole interview with Katie fawning over her like a princess made me want to take a shower. This woman who claims to love spreading democracy is in fact a threat to it. She owes her entire career in public service to the Bush clan and so she will always tow the party line. I'd love to see her ass in the dock at The Hague in a few years with Uncle Dick and Rummy.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Conservative I Respect

I watched the HBO documentary on Goldwater last night and I have to admit to myself that I have always respected the guy, the man who started the modern Conservative movement sure as hell wouldn't recognize it today though. Despite the fact that Goldwater was hawkish to the extreme, he couldn't have done much worse in Vietnam than LBJ, but Johnson did a brave thing by signing the Civil Rights Act which to Goldwaters shame he did not support but to his credit, Goldwater was against the religious right, he despised Falwell and even at one time said he would kick his ass! Not many in the GOP would say that today. He was pro choice, and in his last term in the Senate came out for gays in the military, he was pro 2nd amendment, and had a strong libertarian Western self reliant bent. Hell thats a Republican that I can respect. He was nuts and scary with all of his nuke talk in the 60's but as he aged I think he came about, I wish for the sake of the country that more Republicans would use him as a model for Conservatism and give a big FU to the religious nutters that have a stranglehold on that party today.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mein Got!

Heres a picture of our self hating Senator, Felix Allen with some pals from the CCC, which is basically the KKK who can read and wear suits instead of robes. These crackers are the voters Felix has courted his entire career in politics. I reckon now that he "just discovered" he is part jewish, his ole buddies will kick him out of the klub. What an asshole, you hate your heritage so much that you create an alter ego as a snuff dippin, Confederate flag flying, cowboy boot wearing, right wing Governor and Senator. I hope Jim Webb wipes the floor with this loser in November.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Willie Nelson's bus was pulled over by LA state troopers and searched the other day, and Smoky said there was a "strong odor of marijuana" emanating from the bus. No shit copper its Willie! The fuzz found a pound of grass and it looks like Willie may be in trouble. Shouldn't an American icon, great songwriter, singer, and all around legend like him get a free pass? Hell he's 76 he's just smoking for his cataracts! That trooper should get his ass whooped.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Mr. Macaca

This is the creepiest thing I have seen in a long time. Its a family portrait of Sen. George Felix Allen and his lovely family, which hangs in his palatial Mt. Vernon home. This thing looks like those bad pastel drawings you get made at Busch Gardens or the State Fair as a kid. Notice the cheesy beach scene and if you blow it up you will notice that the tv is tuned to FOX, nice touch there. Well theres no accounting for artistic taste, and this is a perfect example of the type of art we can expect from the party that has slashed funding for the NEA. Heinous just like Felix's voting record.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

A Great American

RIP Governor Ann Richards of Texas, she was a thorn in the side of the Bush clan, and living proof that not everyone from Texas is a moron, we'll miss you Governor.

Oh Pontiff

So Herr Benedict quoted some medieval texts that pointed out that Islam is a warlike sect, and not necessarily the "The Relgion of Peace." OK Islam is a terribly repressive and violent religion in its extreme forms, but so is Christianity, anyone remember the Inquisition or the Crusades? I don't think the Popes comments were offensive but millions of Muslims worldwide seem to. All this does for me is reinforce the lunacy and devisiveness of organized religion. To me a persons faith and spirituality is an individual and personal matter, between you and your God, its not something that makes me hate others or blow up skyscrapers, or abortion clinics, or make women wear bedsheets, or hinder scientific research that will save lives. I think all major world religions have a basis in peace and tolerance, but usually these tenets are overshadowed by all the other crap dogma. Viva secularism!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Is he or isn't he?

We all know that Al won in 2000, but is he gonna challenge Hillary in 08? I hope so. God knows I love the Clintons, Bubba especially, but Hillary just is not electable, Gore is. I know he is a little stiff but compared to Kerry he's a rockstar. I think he's our best chance, how many dolts who voted for Bush in 2000 wish they could vote again, and how many greenie dipshits who voted for Nader wish they had voted for Gore instead?

Sunday, September 10, 2006


On the occasion of the five year anniversary of 9-11 I will refrain from alot of political gibes at the Bushies, instead I will remember how this nation reacted and stood together on 9-12, but I still wonder where is Osama?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

So W has decided to address the nation on 9-11 at 9pm, right in the middle of Monday night Football Skins versus Vikings, guess what I'll be watching.


First of all I don't really like cats. As individuals some are ok, some even have real character, but as a group they suck, plus they shit indoors which is just wrong. I'm a dog lover first and foremost, even the ugliest, dumbest, three-legged, mongrel will be loyal if your good to him. A cat just wants you to feed him, he doesn't love you. When you come home its the highlight of your dogs day, all he wants to do is get some licks in and have you give him some attention. All great men were dog lovers, see pic. Cats are tools of the devil.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Labor Day